Friday, September 7, 2007

Disaster Relief

Greetings friends and family,
While David is out of Nicaragua the damage reports of Hurricane Felix continues. I happened to be in Boaco visiting our coffee farmers and there was a small land slide on the main road. While this specific act of nature did not effect traffic, my heart goes out to this type of thing happening all over Nicaragua where there is heavy rainfall. The farmers of Mombachito joined us in praying for their brothers and sisters. Life in the mountains without news papers and without telephones is difficult, so a news paper was delivered and prayers said. Thanks so much for your continued prayer.
Down below there is an FYI for disaster relief.
Christian Reformed Relief Committee has already dispersed aid this morning.

Dear supporters and friends of the Nehemiah Center,

Greetings from Nicaragua. As many of you have heard, Hurricane Felix, a category 5 hurricane, hit the north Atlantic coastal region of Nicaragua with all of its fury on the morning of September 4, 2007. Major damage was caused not only in the port city of Puerto Cabezas, but also in many inland communities, affecting the lives of about 70,000 people. Even in good conditions, access to and communication with this region of the country is difficult; since the hurricane’s passing, the area has become even more isolated, as only the airport in Puerto Cabezas is functional and the one land road blocked due to flooding, fallen trees, and road damage.

While the Nehemiah Center does not have any permanent programs in this region of the country, we are responding to its relief needs in this time of crisis through one of our national partner organizations, Accion Medica Cristiana (AMC). AMC does have a long term program and staff throughout the region. Locally in Managua, we are helping with the collection of food, water, clothing, and blankets. At the international level, we are working with our collaborating organizations to raise awareness of the needs and secure funds as well as medical supplies that can be sent to support the relief efforts. Christian Reformed World Relief Committee and Food for the Hungry have already secured roughly $20,000 for a first phase response. These funds will be directed toward providing food, water, and shelter reparation in two communities where approximately 80% of people lost their homes due to wind damage.

What can you do? Along with our current efforts, we are also looking to collect funds that will serve as a second phase response. This region of the country is largely populated by subsistence farmers who were just beginning to harvest their rice crop for the year. With the passing of the hurricane, the rice in their fields, as well as a large portion of what they had already harvested, was lost. These farmers and their families will need long term assistance to restore their agricultural production abilities and provisions for their immediate needs until the next harvest. We ask you to prayerfully consider a donation to support these efforts to help the people of Nicaragua’s north Atlantic region.

To donate to the Hurricane Felix relief and rehabilitation efforts:

- In the US, you can donate directly on the FH/US website by clicking the donate to Hurricane Felix relief link on site’s front page

- In Canada, you can donate by calling the Canadian FH office at 1-800-667-0605 and tell them it is for Hurricane Felix relief.

- Contact us at the Nehemiah Center and we will help you find alternative ways to donate.

Here are links to photos from the affected region.

Attached you will also find the latest report from Accion Medica Cristiana regarding this situation.

On behalf of the Nehemiah Center and the people of Nicaragua, we thank you for your interest and support of the Hurricane Felix recovery efforts.

The Nehemiah Center
AP 1076

Managua, Nicaragua
Phone: +011 (505) 271-2958

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